Line metoden är en metod som kan användas med call man lär sig tidigt på basic. Man klarar sig på basic 30. Grunden är att göra normala infacing lines. Sen ska det par man valt som primary couple (ofta par nummer 1) paras ihop. Det kan man göra genom callen: Star thru, pass thru, bend the line och two ladies chain.
Har du inte lines, se till att två dansare av motsatt kön ser på varandra och calla star thru. Här nedan ser du alla möjliga symmetriska kombinationer av infacing lines i 0-arrangemang.
Allemande left
Star thru, Right and left thru
Two ladies chain, Pass thru, Bend the line, Star thru, Right and left thru, Circle to a line
Pass thru, Bend the line, Star thru, Pass thru, (Centers) Pass thru, Outsides partner courtesy turn
Two ladies chain, Star thru, Circle to a line
Star thru, Pass thru, Centers right and left thru, centers pass thru, Outsides partner courtesy turn
Pass thru, Bend the line, Pass thru, Bend the line, Star thru, Pass thru, (Centers) Pass thru, Others partner courtesy turn
Right and left thru, Pass thru, Bend the line, Star thru, Right and left thru, Pass thru. Centers pass thru, Outsides partner courtesy turn
Right and left thru
Star thru
Two ladies chain, Pass thru, Bend the line, Star thru, circle to a line
Pass thru, Bend the line, Star thru, Right and left thru, Centers pass thru, Ends courtesy turn
Right and left thru, Two ladies chain, Star thru, Circle to a line
Right and left thru Star thru, Pass thru, Centers right and left thru, centers pass thru, Outsides partner courtesy turn
Pass thru, bend the line, Right and left thru, Two ladies chain, Pass thru, Bend line, Star thru, Circle to a line
Star thru, Pass thru, Centers pass thru, Outsides courtesy turn
Pass thru, Bend the line, Star thru, Circle to a line
Ladies chain, Start thru
ladies chain, Star thru, Right and left thru
Star thru, Circle to a line, Right and left thru
Star thru,Pass thru, center ladies chain, Centers right and left thru, Centers pass thru, Outsides courtesy turn, Right and left thru
Pass thru, Bend the line, Right and left thru, Ladies chain, Star thru, Passt thru, Centers pass thru, Ends courtesy turn
Pass thru, Bend the line, Right and left thru, Ladies chain, star thru, Right and left thru, Pass thru, Centers pass thru, Ends courtesy turn
Right and left thru, Star thru, circle to a line
Pass thru, Bend the line, star thru, Right and left thru, circle to a line
Ladies chain, Star thru, Right and left thru
Ladies chain, Star thru, right and Left thru, Pass thru, Centers pass thru, Ends courtesy turn
Star thru, circle to a line
Ladies chain, Star thru, Pass thru, Centers pass thru, leaders trade, Star thru, Right and left thru
Pass thru, Bend the line, Right and left thru, Ladies, star thru, Right and left thru, Pass thru, Centers pass thru, ends courtesy turn
Pass thru, Bend the line, Right and left thru, Star thru, Right and left thru
Ladies chain